Design educator with a focus on design process, graphic design and creativing coding.
Selected Student Work from Design Process 2
Year End Hot Mess Show 2023
OCAD University
Interactive Media: Web at OCAD University
Learn how to weave a range of online technologies into engaging interactive experiences. In this course, students will learn the basics of web technologies that are fundamental to building an online presence for any design project. Students will learn how to identify the current technologies underlying social media interfaces, mobile web applications that rely on browsers and apps. You will also gain an understanding of the fundamentals of markup languages (HTML, XML) as well as formatting (CSS) and client-side programming (JS). These basic skills will be contextualized within a basic overview of interface design. With the knowledge built in this course students will begin to understand how to create responsive web-based projects that adapt to different devices and develop strategies for creating screen-based interfaces.
Design Process 2 at OCAD University
Design Process 2 further develops the foundational activities, languages, tools, and techniques from Design Process 1 by engaging in practices related to form/space, information analysis, and sequential narrative. Projects require considerations of visual communication as a social and cultural activity that reflects and responds to the past, the present, and to future contexts. Process-based learning uses technical and analytical methods necessary for more independent learning in the upper years. Competences in three-dimensional, time-based, and print media are explored through a series of investigations that incorporate visual form, typography, colour, image, student intent, and reflective writing components to create purposeful work.
Typography at The Chang School of Continuing Education, Toronto Metropolitan University
The course explores the relationships between type designers, type foundries and end users. This course concentrates on typographic history and classification, as well as the creation, marketing and use of typefaces in professional applications for both printed and non-printed output. Students also learn how typographic choices made by the designer can enhance or reduce the appeal and accessibility of a document. Editing and proofreading of documents is also emphasized.
Gamemaking x Coding Series with Canada Learning Code
This workshop series teaches children the funadamentals of progamming concepts in JavaScript. Students design and code their own video game using the Phaser.js framework.
Interactive Media: Web at OCAD University
Learn how to weave a range of online technologies into engaging interactive experiences. In this course, students will learn the basics of web technologies that are fundamental to building an online presence for any design project. Students will learn how to identify the current technologies underlying social media interfaces, mobile web applications that rely on browsers and apps. You will also gain an understanding of the fundamentals of markup languages (HTML, XML) as well as formatting (CSS) and client-side programming (JS). These basic skills will be contextualized within a basic overview of interface design. With the knowledge built in this course students will begin to understand how to create responsive web-based projects that adapt to different devices and develop strategies for creating screen-based interfaces.
Design Process 2 at OCAD University
Design Process 2 further develops the foundational activities, languages, tools, and techniques from Design Process 1 by engaging in practices related to form/space, information analysis, and sequential narrative. Projects require considerations of visual communication as a social and cultural activity that reflects and responds to the past, the present, and to future contexts. Process-based learning uses technical and analytical methods necessary for more independent learning in the upper years. Competences in three-dimensional, time-based, and print media are explored through a series of investigations that incorporate visual form, typography, colour, image, student intent, and reflective writing components to create purposeful work.
Graphic Design 3 at OCAD University
Graphic Design 3 builds upon the skill sets and knowledges developed in first and second year to include the processes and practices of information visualization. Given the proliferation and variety of data available, the development and building upon of numeracy, data collection, analysis, and interpretation skills are considered alongside varied theories relevant to communication in the information age. The exploration of visualization methods and media-from charts to more complex and interactive forms- foster a critical approach to visualization, highlighting its power to inform and persuade.
Interactive Media: Web at OCAD University
Learn how to weave a range of online technologies into engaging interactive experiences. In this course, students will learn the basics of web technologies that are fundamental to building an online presence for any design project. Students will learn how to identify the current technologies underlying social media interfaces, mobile web applications that rely on browsers and apps. You will also gain an understanding of the fundamentals of markup languages (HTML, XML) as well as formatting (CSS) and client-side programming (JS). These basic skills will be contextualized within a basic overview of interface design. With the knowledge built in this course students will begin to understand how to create responsive web-based projects that adapt to different devices and develop strategies for creating screen-based interfaces.
Design Process 2 at OCAD University
Selected Student Work from Design Process 2
Year End Hot Mess Show 2022
OCAD University
Design Process 2 further develops the foundational activities, languages, tools, and techniques from Design Process 1 by engaging in practices related to form/space, information analysis, and sequential narrative. Projects require considerations of visual communication as a social and cultural activity that reflects and responds to the past, the present, and to future contexts. Process-based learning uses technical and analytical methods necessary for more independent learning in the upper years. Competences in three-dimensional, time-based, and print media are explored through a series of investigations that incorporate visual form, typography, colour, image, student intent, and reflective writing components to create purposeful work.
Interactive Media: Web at OCAD University
Learn how to weave a range of online technologies into engaging interactive experiences. In this course, students will learn the basics of web technologies that are fundamental to building an online presence for any design project. Students will learn how to identify the current technologies underlying social media interfaces, mobile web applications that rely on browsers and apps. You will also gain an understanding of the fundamentals of markup languages (HTML, XML) as well as formatting (CSS) and client-side programming (JS). These basic skills will be contextualized within a basic overview of interface design. With the knowledge built in this course students will begin to understand how to create responsive web-based projects that adapt to different devices and develop strategies for creating screen-based interfaces.
Generative Type Poster in Processing at OCAD University
How to Make a GIF at Eva's Print Shop
Designing a 3-piece Identity Package at Eva's Print Shop
Intro to Generative Typography in Processing at The Graphical Web Conference
Learning computer programming allow designers to experiment with new ways of creating content. This workshop is tailored to designers that want to go beyond using proprietary software as a means for content creation. You will learn the basics of Processing by starting with drawing a circle to the screen and working your way up to creating expressive typographic forms. You will learn how to export your final piece for print and for motion.
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